Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday's Scripture - Weekly Challenge


"In your anger, do not sin..."

I love that the Bible does not say "Do not be angry".

That would be an impossible feat, as in this world, there is so much that is anger provoking.

What the Bible does say is "In your anger, do not sin...".

Though admittedly, sometimes that also seems like an impossible feat, right?

Sometimes we can't hold back and we really just think that we need to give it right back to whoever or whatever is making us angry.

I personally am very guilty of this and honestly, lately it seems like I am always angry.

Also, it seems like I am not so keen on the "do not sin" part.

My husband says something dumb or hurtful...queue the backlash. My kids disobey or don't listen...queue the yelling. 

Sometimes my angry reactions turn out to be way worse than the original offense and it leaves me feeling even more angry...this time at myself.

It makes sense that God would say, "In your anger, do not sin...".

Because it makes things worse...duh!

You'd think after doing it time and time again, always with the same end result, I would have learned by now.

Eh hem.




I just decided right this minute to take today's Sunday Scripture as a challenge for this week.

You can join me if you feel so inclined.

This week, I will understand that I may get angry, which is okay, but I will not sin in my anger. I will not allow unwholesome words to come out of my mouth, which the verse goes on to say, but rather only speak what is helpful to BUILD up and not tear down. 

I will also write this verse on several 3 x 5 cards and post them in several rooms of my house to serve as a reminder to me to stick with my weekly challenge.

I'll try to remember to keep you guys abreast of my progress and I encourage you guys to do something similar. It doesn't have to be this verse b/c perhaps anger isn't your issue. Maybe it's something else altogether.

The Bible says in Psalm 119:11  "I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You."

[So, Lord, this week, I am going to hide Ephesians 4:26-29 in my heart so that in my anger, I will sin not against You.]

This is a toughy and right now, being that I am home by myself with no husband and no kiddos to irritate me or make me upset for some reason, this is very easy to think of. It'll be a whole other story when they are back home and our new week is underway.

So, I thank God that the Bible ALSO says that with Christ ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

That means that I can be angry (it's just a fact sometimes in this crazy life) but with HIM, I can also SIN NOT.


Happy new week, Friends!

I love you and pray that you will gain victory over something you've been struggling with this week.

We CAN do it!


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