Monday, September 24, 2012

Life's Lessons

STILL Trying to Get My House Back Together!

I am abandoning school for this morning in favor of reclaiming my garage. We'll reconvene later on.

These days, I have to strike when the iron's hot!

Filed Under: Why do we have soooo much stuff?!

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Day of School

Our welcoming chalkboard

A few changes for this school year...

Miss Diligent and Mr. Up-to-No Good - yup, that's about right!
First official piano lessons - Daddy is their teacher ;)
Reading time outside today - it was too beautiful to stay inside! Another benefit to homeschooling - we can have     school wherever we want!
Candy for "Good Behavior" - they definitely deserved it today!
Ended our day on a great note at one of our local parks - shot some hoops with Nick, pushed Nat and Noah on the swings and even got some time to myself under a pretty shade tree with a good book - this is the life!

 And that sums up our day in photos...hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Excellent first day...praying we're blessed with an even better week ahead.
Wishing you the best as well! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's Back to School Week...

My mission for this week is as follows:


This weekend is consisting of operating in over-drive mode to get my house back in order and our school room prepped for tomorrow's first day back to school. 

I have high hopes! Prayers welcome! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Desperately Seeking Regroupification (a word, no?)

I'm seriously starting to wonder if I will ever feel like we are all put back together again. 

Since we began our kids room re-do a couple of months ago, our life has literally been in shambles

Contents of our entire upstairs is scattered all over our dining room table and litters part of our living room as well.

Meanwhile, life presses on. 

School starts on Monday which means that my life HAS to be PERFECT before then. 

Or at least according to my new schedule it needs to be. 

Laundry needs to be done and put away...

House needs to be tidied, vacuumed, dusted...

School room needs to be cleaned, organized and new school supplies purchased...

Schedule needs to be nailed down, dolled up and printed out...

Ideally, I'll be all decorated for fall by then...

Oh and my yard...flower beds weeded and grass cut please! 

Tad bit tired of being a mess this summer. 

I'm ready to regroup. 

So why do I look at this list and the first thing I wanna do is take a nap 'til next summer?


Overwhelmed, party of me.
P.S. I do plan on posting all the fun details of our kiddos room remodel so be on the lookout for that...just need to scrounge up some more energy for writing! 

I think a pumpkin spice latte is on the horizon for me this week...