It's been 4 1/2 years since the kids have had a "nice" room.
Truth be told, I just could never get my thoughts together when it came to decorating their room.
Noah was born the first year we lived here and he spent the first 2 years of his life sleeping in our room. First in a bassinet, then onto a pack 'n play and finally into a crib.
I guess it didn't seem worth it to do up a room when the 3rd member of the family wasn't IN the room yet.
I really don't know what my reasoning was.
Maybe it was just laziness. Who knows.
I'm super embarrassed at the "before" that was their room(s) (at times, I cannot believe that I actually had the nerve to post the pics on facebook!).
We never even put a fresh coat of paint over the UGLY that the previous owners of the house put up (worst taste EVER!).
Being that I didn't care about the room(s) because they weren't the way that I wanted them, I "let" them get trashed even further. I just didn't see the point, I guess, in keeping not nice...nice.
Honestly, when I don't like something but don't have a solution to make it better, I tend to "close the door on it" rather than face it in all of it's hideousness. Truth.
This is not an excuse. This is an explanation. One that I can finally admit to myself and make peace with...
...the fact is that all of the "ugly" is finally coming to an end.
♪♫ I can see clearly now the rain is gone...♪♫
I literally can almost see/feel a depressive fog lifting.
What WAS this...
Turned to this...
![]() |
(ignore those black specks on the wall - they on the camera lens, not the actual wall) |
Ideas and dreams have been written in notebooks, added to "notes" in my phone, googled, facebooked, blogged and pinned.
Shopping carts have been filled with goodies...
Bank accounts have dwindled... ;)
But this weekend...all of my months of hard work and preparation are finally coming to fruition.
The furniture is being delivered...the room is being set up...the wall decor will be hung...big boy and girl beds will be made (comfiest EVER)...the lights will be lit...and then comes...
My husband and I have managed to keep the kids out of their room completely since we've started the remodel.
Our goal is to reveal their room makeover to them in one shot.
We plan to have the video camera will be taken...memories will be made.
I can't tell you how excited we all are.
Part of me wants to scream. Part of me wants to laugh. Part of me wants to cry.
So much of me has gone into this project...and I've had so much wonderful support from my family and friends who've allowed me to run ideas by them...thanks for listening to me "dream out loud" guys! XO
I have a feeling that once the beds are in place tomorrow, I'm gonna feel a gravitational pull towards them so that I can throw myself onto one and sleep for about a week straight.
For as much as I am gearing up for tomorrow and being able to see it all come together, I'm also just REALLY excited about reclaiming my house and having it all DONE.
Anyway...alllllll this to say...YAY...HAPPY NEW ROOM'S EVE!!!!
And now I'm off much to do!
Wish us luck tomorrow and I'll be posting the BIG REVEAL hopefully SOON! (as long as I don't fall into a catatonic state of exhaustion)
Soo exciting!! Can't wait to see pictures! I know it is going to be fabulous!!